Guest Speaker: Mr. Karmjit Singh
June 25th, 2016; 0900-1200hr. Room N-7002, Navamindradhiraj Building, NIDA
Free admission. Please contact 02-727-3030 or dsiwiga AT by June 20th to reserve your seat.
Mr Karmjit Singh was the Chief Executive of SATS Airport Services Pte Ltd from 1998 to 2004. He became the Chief Operating Officer of SATS Ltd (SATS) in 2004 where he held the post till his retirement in 2009. He was consultant to the President and Chief Executive Officer of SATS until September 2010.
Well-known in Logistics business in Singapore, Mr. Singh is the Chairman of the Chartered Institute of Logistics and Transport, Singapore, and is a member of the Board of The Logistics Institute – Asia Pacific of the National University of Singapore (NUS) and of the Public Transport Council. He is a director of GATI Asia Pacific Pte Ltd and is the advisor to CEO/SVP NIIT Technologies. He is an independent and non-executive Director and a member of the Audit and Board Safety Committees of Kepple T&T since 2010.